Friday, September 27, 2019

Aircraft maintenance eng - Aircraft Maintenance procedures -scenario Research Paper

Aircraft maintenance eng - Aircraft Maintenance procedures -scenario for systems integration - Research Paper Example rding the aircraft’s system failures, system integration, Crew Resource Management, and tech recorders among others were evaluated, and the following information regarding the situation were summarized. The aircraft (Airbus A380) departed Changi International Airport for Sidney, Australia on November 4th, 2013 at 01:57 hours UTC. This aircraft (Airbus A380 whose registration number is VH-OQA) carried a total of 469 passengers (that is, 440 passengers and 29 members of crew) (ATSB 2010). During that day of flight, the weather was favorable, and was described by the metrological department of Changi International Airport as a clear and sunny Singapore day. After an approximate of 6 minutes after the takeoff of the plane (that is, at 02:02 hours UTC), and as the aircraft was climbing 7000 feet over Bantam Island in Indonesia, it was reported that the crew members hard a number of loud banging sounds (ATSB, 2010). These banging sounds were followed by ECAM (Electronic Centralized Aircraft Monitor) messages. These alerts were more than 50 in number and indicated that the aircraft’s Number 2 engine experienced a catastrophic failure. Immediately, the crew members initiated holding pattern then started to diagnose the problem. After approximately 50 minutes (that is at 14:52 UTC) the crew members made a decision to return to Changi International Airport in Singapore and attempt to land (ATSB 2010). At 16:32 hours UTC, the crew members managed to land the aircraft successfully with only one engine operating fully, with a maximum landing weight (MLW) of more than 50000 pounds, and in absence of the aircraft’s anti-lock brakes. In addition, the aircraft was stopped at distance of approximately 450 feet from the run way end (ATSB 2010). The disintegration of engine number 2, as indicated by investigations, produced a number of debris that struck (hit) the aircraft’s fuselage. Pieces of IP (Intermediate Pressure) turbine disc penetrated the aircraft’s left wing

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