Monday, September 30, 2019

Reviewing my Christian service charity activity Essay

1) Identify the details on your Christian service: Where? When? How? For whom? My Christian service was at the Markham Food Bank near Main Street, Unionville. I volunteered during May 21st, where I was one of the only few people who got up in the early morning in order to take the initiative to serve the community as well as Christ. By packaging and organizing food for the poor, we were serving the less fortunate people of Markham, who visit the food bank as a means of obtaining food. 2) Some of the Ontario Catholic School Graduate Expectations that I examined in my grade ten year were: – Recognizing there is more grace in our world than sin and that hope is essential in facing all challenges – Thinking reflectively and creatively to evaluate situations and solve problems – Setting appropriate goals and priorities in school, work and personal life – Thinking critically about the meaning and purpose of work One specific expectation that related directly with my service work this semester was relating to family members in a loving, compassionate and respectful manner. I gave the same type of effort and care into the poor people who needed my help, essentially making them a part of my â€Å"extended family.† I tried demonstrating compassion and love towards them through my hard put effort in organizing, packaging, and sorting an assortment of different food for them. I also contributed to the common good by helping these poor people. In modern society, most people would bypass on the less fortunate people of our communities without offering any aid. These types of inconsiderate people are not supporting the common good of our world. By ignoring and dishonouring God’s precious creations, we are directly going against God himself. Thereby, my actions in helping these poor people are an act to expand and establish common good in our community. THINKING 3) The Golden Rule, â€Å"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you† is a theme that is demonstrated in Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism, Judaism, Islam, and Christianity. In two paragraphs, answer the following questions as they pertain to the Christian Service work that you have completed during this semester. Analyse how your Christian service: a) Promotes human dignity My Christian service promotes human dignity because I am restoring pride and hope in the hearts and minds of the poor by helping them carry out a normal, everyday life. The less fortunate suffer everyday due to their lack of money, homes, and as well as human essentials. They are sometimes abused verbally and physically by those that think they are â€Å"superior† than them, which causes them to lose their righteous human dignity. By providing these people would proper food and water, I restore a small portion of their dignity as a human being. They should not feel low or bad to have to come to us for help, because that is what we do for each other. In this essence, I am able to help promote human dignity through my services at the Markham Food Bank. b) Challenges any personal religious and/or social biases. Often people in society do not associate with other people or help them out because they think that they are not on the same â€Å"social status† as the other. These social biases are particularly true with homeless people who seem to be suffering more and more simply due to their social status. These judgemental remarks make it even more difficult for these poor people to obtain food and get jobs. Therefore, through my Christian service, I am challenging the boundary of any social biases by offering free food packaged and boxed for the poor and suffering in our communities. APPLICATION 4) In a paragraph, demonstrate how your Christian service fulfills some aspect(s) of the Corporal works of Mercy. My Christian service perfectly fulfills the first Corporal Works of Mercy that is to feed the hungry. By going to the food bank, and packaging/organizing a variety of food in boxes for the poor people, I am helping to â€Å"feed† the hungry people of our society. All these less fortunate people wait in line everyday in order to be fed, and I was just fortunate enough to have the opportunity to be able to help serve the poor by providing their food. Therefore, my Christian service successfully fulfills this aspect of the Corporal Works of Mercy. 5) In a paragraph, evaluate the effect your Christian service has had on your moral and your faith development. This Christian service has indeed had a significant impact on my moral and faith development this semester. By experiencing the difficulty of getting up so early in the morning and going through traffic in order to arrive to the food bank, I realized the level of dedication and love these people must have to come out there every day to help less fortunate civilians. Furthermore, I learned that I should never look down on someone simply because they are not as blessed us, rather I should be more compassionate and understanding of these people. Not only that, but the simple fact that there is such an organization out there, such as the Markham Food Bank, that serves free boxes of food for the poor and less fortunate, makes me truly believe that God exists and he only wants good in our world.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Cosmetic Surgery

The way a woman handles herself is important, according to most Americans. Furthermore, the way a woman looks on the outside surpasses all other qualities. Most women do not realize this, but this is the way in which they place their importance. In a world filled with superficiality, it is not astonishing to think that most women are un-satisfied with their outward appearance. Unhappiness with one’s outward appearance has lead to cosmetic surgery being the only solution. Cosmetic surgery has lead to more than one problem for our country and for the lives of people involved. Modifying one’s body from cosmetic surgery is not only harmful physically; it is also highly expensive, a â€Å"quick† fix for one’s deeper rooted issues, and may become highly addictive. The expansion on plastic surgery during World War One shined light upon different techniques and medical advances within this field. Originally, plastic surgery was only by means of reconstruction due to the horrific injuries of war. Doctors were required to facilitate soldiers back to health, and with the new advances of surgery they were able to give soldiers back their life in a new way. Facial reconstruction began as a new practice for plastic surgeons. Particularly this is because of the modern day weapons causing soldiers to have more bodily injuries. The American Society of Plastic Surgeons stated, â€Å"Never before had physicians been required to treat so many and such extensive facial and head injuries. Shattered jaws, blown-off noses, and lips gaping skull wounds caused by modern weapons inquired innovative restorative procedures. † (â€Å"American Society of Plastic Surgeons†)The war was completely divesting, but the surgical procedures gave hope to the soldiers. These new advancements held a purpose, but with the knowledge of surgical procedures people began to take advantage and used it for non-practical ways. With the rising awareness of plastic surgery, people became astonished with the fact that one can change his/her looks with no effort at all. What was thought of as a procedure that benefited someone took a completely different turn in the 1980’s. During this time persons had a heightened awareness of plastic surgery, and desired to find more information about this technique. Information was able to reach home with the help of â€Å"brochures†. (â€Å"American Society of Plastic Surgeons†) However, it was not until the 1990’s that the media and internet became involved. With the ability of having an at home computer, surgeons were able to provide a surgical conference for their potential clients. This advancement gave more light to cosmetic surgeries such as rhinoplasty. As a consequence of this heightened awareness, people began to â€Å"fix† every flaw by means of surgery. However, this type of surgery is different due to the fact that it is not a reconstruction of the abnormity it is purely cosmetic. The growing obsession with cosmetic surgery led to unrealistic views of what beauty should be. The view of beauty has changed significantly over the past hundred years. Beauty use to be the way a lady holds herself with her morals and her attitude which reflected outwardly. In the twenty-first century, beauty is viewed only as the means of perfection. Women have significantly lost self-esteem over the past years because of the constant pressure to always look a certain way. In particular, teenagers and young woman are affected most by the way one is viewed by other people because they place such a high importance on impressing and their appearance. These women and teenagers see one self as being un-fit for normal interactions with people. This is a contributing factor to the millions of dollars that is spent by people to change their imperfections. According to Alex Kuczynski, in America the cosmetic industry makes up to $15 billion. â€Å"Kuczynski† 4) With average pricing of laser treatments being $6,000 and liposuction being $11,000 it is very easy to see why the economy is in such turmoil today. The media has influenced most of the billions of dollars that are placed into cosmetic surgery. Commercials, billboards, brochures, testimonies, and telemarketers are the a few of the ways in which the media drags a person into believing that one is not suited enough for their own well-being. As a culture, we have feed into these uncomforting lies about our looks which have made us more prone to see our flaws. In 2003, more than half of Americans- 51 percent- said that they were not quite comfortable to not at all comfortable with their appearance, according to Roper study. † (â€Å"Kuczynski† 5) Perhaps, if the media was not involved so heavily in pursing surgery, people would not be willing to spend thousands of dollars on one procedure. Lastly, cosmetic surgery may become highly addictive. It has been said that once one starts pursuing surgery, it is hard to quit. The reasoning behind may be because of a disorder called body dysmorphic disorder (BDD). This disorder perceives one’s self completely different than it actually is, and persons that are affected by this disorder become fixated with a slight â€Å"imperfection† that leads to obsessive behavior. â€Å"The obsessions can consume a person’s thoughts, harming every aspect of their life. † (â€Å"James† Web) This obsession is also seen more frequently in adolescents. This obsession takes complete control over their life. The person no longer feels useful to the world, and feels that the only way to survive is through cosmetic surgery. It is tragic to see one’s life be affected so deeply by their appearance, but it is seen by almost everyone in America. In order to make one feel less conscious about their appearance, we as a society need to shift our priorities in a colossal way. Not only should a teenager or young woman feel less appreciated because of their looks, but no one should feel this way. As a society we need to practice the use of inner beauty instead of outer beauty. It is our duty to make America feel united and not separate by our appearance. Therefore, our society would benefit economically, socially, and morally by changing our views on appearance. Cosmetic Surgery Cosmetic Surgery Have you ever thought about how much cosmetic surgery has progressed and all the different types of surgeries? Cosmetic surgery is the practice of reshaping body tissues. It is also known as plastic surgery. Plastic is derived from the Greek word Plastikos meaning â€Å"to mold. † Plastic surgery dates all the way back 3000 years ago, to the Ancient Egyptians, Indians, and Greeks. We may not recognize that people back then used a form of plastic surgery, but they did.Centuries ago tribes used plastics surgery methods by disking their lips, stretching their earlobes, binding their feet, filing their teeth, and tattooing and scaring their skin. (Random History) Those were plastic surgery procedures back than. Now there is liposuction, nose jobs, eyelid surgery, tummy tucks, breast augmentation and reductions, Botox, microdermabrasion, collagen injections, laser hair removal, and chemical pads. Plastic surgery has advanced over several thousands of years and will continue. The history of plastic surgery goes back to ancient Egypt (1279-1212 BC).The Egyptians did not practice surgeries on the living, but they did practice on the dead. The surgeries they did are not what we think of when we hear the word cosmetic surgery, but the way they prepared the dead were part of the principles of cosmetic surgery today. Egyptians called it mummification. Pharaohs were mummified using special techniques that would enhance the features that were prominent to them. One step with mummification was to take the deceased to the â€Å"per nefer,† otherwise known as the House of Beauty, and add â€Å"cosmetics† to give the body a life-like appearance.The Egyptians used materials that we do not think of using. For example, Ramesses II had a small piece of bone and several seeds placed in his nose to hold the shape. His nose was surgically altered to make sure it looked be recognizable in the afterlife. Another example is the mummy of Queen Nunjmet. She had bandages stuck in her cheek and belly. (Random History) This represents how surgeons now will implant silicone into the body of a person. It is the same idea. Even though there are only records of Egyptians practicing on the dead, they had the skills and techniques to perform surgeries on the living as well. Jen) Ancient India (approximately 300 BC) is the birthplace of plastic surgery. Ancient India is the time that there were records of reconstructive surgery performed on the living. Punishment for a crime may have been cutting off ones nose if guilty. (Jen) This form of punishment led to the birth of rhinoplasty. Rhinoplasty is commonly known as a nose-job. During this era the method Rhinoplasty was also described as the â€Å"attached flap,† or what we know today as the skin graft. A skin graft is where the epidermis is removed from one part of the body and used on another.Surgeons reconstructed the nose by cutting skin from either the cheek or forehead. Than tha t piece of skin, skin side out, was twisted over a leaf of the right size. After that the skin was sewed into place, and in order to keep the nostrils open during the healing process two polished wooden tubes were put in them. (Random History) During this time there was no anesthesia so the pain of this procedure was brutal and the risk of infections was high. Not only were there a large number of nose jobs in India, but the surgeons also worked on ears.The Indians were fashionable people and as a result of this both adults and children wore earrings. These earrings were constructed out of heavy materials that caused the earlobe to often spilt open. To repair the earlobe the doctors used a skin graft from the cheek. Surgery of the ear is known as Otoplasty. Not only did surgeons develop procedures for the nose and ears, they also did for lips too. The main reason why so many people had their nose, ears, and lips cut was because that is how people were punished for criminal, religiou s, and military crimes.Ancient India is where plastic surgery official became introduced. There are hundreds of surgeries performed on people daily. Surgeries are performed on every part of the body, from head to toe. There are well over 100 different surgeries done. Over 50 of those surgeries are done on the face. A few of the popular face surgeries are botox, rhytidectomy, and lip augmentation. A few of other surgeries done on the rest of the body are liposuction, breast surgery, and abdominoplasty. How Many Types) Botox is a nonsurgical cosmetic procedure that was introduced in the late 1980’s and it is one of the top five procedures. This procedure is used to help decrease glabellar lines. Glabellar lines are vertical lines on the face between the eye brows and when someone frowns. Botox is a shot the essentially paralyzes the muscles that produce lines. This procedure can last anywhere between a few minutes to 30 minutes. Numbing cream or anesthesia is usually used with botox, but the needles are so small that there is hardly any pain at all. Botox can ause headaches, nausea, flu-like symptoms, and redness around injection site. Botox has become very popular within the last 10 years. Rhytidectomy is known as a face lift. (Village pointe) Face lift is a surgical procedure that helps improve appearance of the face. Face lift is a common procedure. There are positive and negative side effects of getting a face lift. The positives are that a face lift can correct sagging skin, tighten facial muscles, and improve your facial contour. The negative side effects are that it can cause nerve damage, visible scarring, swelling, bruising, and pain.There are many different types of face lifts that can be done, such as mini face lift, lower face lift, mid face lift, etc. It just depends on the person getting the surgery what area they want to have improved. Lip augmentation is to give fuller lips. Hylauronic acid is what is usually injected into the lip. This ac id is a natural substance found in the body and it improves the lips volume, structure, and shape. The effects of a lip augmentation last around six months, so in order to keep the volume wanted; treatments are needed about every six months.Fat injections used to be used on the lips to make them fuller, but the results vary and the side effects are at a greater risk so that method is not used as much. (Lip augmentation) Liposuction is a simple surgical procedure that removes excess fat between the skin and muscle. A small stainless steel tube is attached to a suction pump, than the tube is inserted into fat through small incisions made on the skin. There are many different techniques that are used to perform liposuction. A common technique of liposuction is laser liposuction. Laser and Ultrasound) Laser liposuction is used to target specific body parts and it is designed to only target fat cells, so it protects the muscle and nerve tissues. Laser liposuction causes less pain, faster healing, and a smaller amount of bruising after. (Village pointe) There are three different types of breast surgery that are common. They are breast augmentations, reduction mammoplasty, and mastopexy. Breast augmentation is better known as breast implant. (What is Breast Augmentation? Reduction mammoplasty also known as breast reduction is where skin and glandular tissue is removed to reduce the breast size. Mastopexy is a breast lift. It is where the breasts are lifted or reshaped to make them less saggy. (Village Pointe) Cosmetic surgery has become more advanced within the last couple thousand years. The world of cosmetic surgery grew from the narrow field of rhinoplasty to over a 150 different types of surgeries. As we become more advanced in the cosmetic field, new technology makes the procedures faster and the risk factors involved are not as high. Cosmetic Surgery Cosmetic Surgery Have you ever thought about how much cosmetic surgery has progressed and all the different types of surgeries? Cosmetic surgery is the practice of reshaping body tissues. It is also known as plastic surgery. Plastic is derived from the Greek word Plastikos meaning â€Å"to mold. † Plastic surgery dates all the way back 3000 years ago, to the Ancient Egyptians, Indians, and Greeks. We may not recognize that people back then used a form of plastic surgery, but they did.Centuries ago tribes used plastics surgery methods by disking their lips, stretching their earlobes, binding their feet, filing their teeth, and tattooing and scaring their skin. (Random History) Those were plastic surgery procedures back than. Now there is liposuction, nose jobs, eyelid surgery, tummy tucks, breast augmentation and reductions, Botox, microdermabrasion, collagen injections, laser hair removal, and chemical pads. Plastic surgery has advanced over several thousands of years and will continue. The history of plastic surgery goes back to ancient Egypt (1279-1212 BC).The Egyptians did not practice surgeries on the living, but they did practice on the dead. The surgeries they did are not what we think of when we hear the word cosmetic surgery, but the way they prepared the dead were part of the principles of cosmetic surgery today. Egyptians called it mummification. Pharaohs were mummified using special techniques that would enhance the features that were prominent to them. One step with mummification was to take the deceased to the â€Å"per nefer,† otherwise known as the House of Beauty, and add â€Å"cosmetics† to give the body a life-like appearance.The Egyptians used materials that we do not think of using. For example, Ramesses II had a small piece of bone and several seeds placed in his nose to hold the shape. His nose was surgically altered to make sure it looked be recognizable in the afterlife. Another example is the mummy of Queen Nunjmet. She had bandages stuck in her cheek and belly. (Random History) This represents how surgeons now will implant silicone into the body of a person. It is the same idea. Even though there are only records of Egyptians practicing on the dead, they had the skills and techniques to perform surgeries on the living as well. Jen) Ancient India (approximately 300 BC) is the birthplace of plastic surgery. Ancient India is the time that there were records of reconstructive surgery performed on the living. Punishment for a crime may have been cutting off ones nose if guilty. (Jen) This form of punishment led to the birth of rhinoplasty. Rhinoplasty is commonly known as a nose-job. During this era the method Rhinoplasty was also described as the â€Å"attached flap,† or what we know today as the skin graft. A skin graft is where the epidermis is removed from one part of the body and used on another.Surgeons reconstructed the nose by cutting skin from either the cheek or forehead. Than tha t piece of skin, skin side out, was twisted over a leaf of the right size. After that the skin was sewed into place, and in order to keep the nostrils open during the healing process two polished wooden tubes were put in them. (Random History) During this time there was no anesthesia so the pain of this procedure was brutal and the risk of infections was high. Not only were there a large number of nose jobs in India, but the surgeons also worked on ears.The Indians were fashionable people and as a result of this both adults and children wore earrings. These earrings were constructed out of heavy materials that caused the earlobe to often spilt open. To repair the earlobe the doctors used a skin graft from the cheek. Surgery of the ear is known as Otoplasty. Not only did surgeons develop procedures for the nose and ears, they also did for lips too. The main reason why so many people had their nose, ears, and lips cut was because that is how people were punished for criminal, religiou s, and military crimes.Ancient India is where plastic surgery official became introduced. There are hundreds of surgeries performed on people daily. Surgeries are performed on every part of the body, from head to toe. There are well over 100 different surgeries done. Over 50 of those surgeries are done on the face. A few of the popular face surgeries are botox, rhytidectomy, and lip augmentation. A few of other surgeries done on the rest of the body are liposuction, breast surgery, and abdominoplasty. How Many Types) Botox is a nonsurgical cosmetic procedure that was introduced in the late 1980’s and it is one of the top five procedures. This procedure is used to help decrease glabellar lines. Glabellar lines are vertical lines on the face between the eye brows and when someone frowns. Botox is a shot the essentially paralyzes the muscles that produce lines. This procedure can last anywhere between a few minutes to 30 minutes. Numbing cream or anesthesia is usually used with botox, but the needles are so small that there is hardly any pain at all. Botox can ause headaches, nausea, flu-like symptoms, and redness around injection site. Botox has become very popular within the last 10 years. Rhytidectomy is known as a face lift. (Village pointe) Face lift is a surgical procedure that helps improve appearance of the face. Face lift is a common procedure. There are positive and negative side effects of getting a face lift. The positives are that a face lift can correct sagging skin, tighten facial muscles, and improve your facial contour. The negative side effects are that it can cause nerve damage, visible scarring, swelling, bruising, and pain.There are many different types of face lifts that can be done, such as mini face lift, lower face lift, mid face lift, etc. It just depends on the person getting the surgery what area they want to have improved. Lip augmentation is to give fuller lips. Hylauronic acid is what is usually injected into the lip. This ac id is a natural substance found in the body and it improves the lips volume, structure, and shape. The effects of a lip augmentation last around six months, so in order to keep the volume wanted; treatments are needed about every six months.Fat injections used to be used on the lips to make them fuller, but the results vary and the side effects are at a greater risk so that method is not used as much. (Lip augmentation) Liposuction is a simple surgical procedure that removes excess fat between the skin and muscle. A small stainless steel tube is attached to a suction pump, than the tube is inserted into fat through small incisions made on the skin. There are many different techniques that are used to perform liposuction. A common technique of liposuction is laser liposuction. Laser and Ultrasound) Laser liposuction is used to target specific body parts and it is designed to only target fat cells, so it protects the muscle and nerve tissues. Laser liposuction causes less pain, faster healing, and a smaller amount of bruising after. (Village pointe) There are three different types of breast surgery that are common. They are breast augmentations, reduction mammoplasty, and mastopexy. Breast augmentation is better known as breast implant. (What is Breast Augmentation? Reduction mammoplasty also known as breast reduction is where skin and glandular tissue is removed to reduce the breast size. Mastopexy is a breast lift. It is where the breasts are lifted or reshaped to make them less saggy. (Village Pointe) Cosmetic surgery has become more advanced within the last couple thousand years. The world of cosmetic surgery grew from the narrow field of rhinoplasty to over a 150 different types of surgeries. As we become more advanced in the cosmetic field, new technology makes the procedures faster and the risk factors involved are not as high.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Hague Visby Rules Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Hague Visby Rules - Essay Example This essay stresses that Hague Rules was limited under the influence of the Carriage of Goods by Sea Act 1924 it also included the bills of lading that were issued, it was applied only to the cargo that were outbound from UK. It was not applicable to other voyages. The Hague-Visby rules were applicable to the international voyages as well. It contained an addendum that was in reference with international voyages. It accounted for the trade between international coasts. It also contained legitimate details, which had rules and regulations which accounted for the rights and an international contract related to the operations on international coasts as well. This paper declares that the rules were made as the word of law and therefore, any document that contained the postulates laid down in respect with the trade that was being carried out between two companies and was signed with the above terms present on the paper, the paper would be treated as the bill of laden and the parties held liable for the rules laid down. Those laid down rules would be governing the relations between the parties and had to be followed by the parties in any case. The rules were negotiable if the postulate related to negotiations was laid down in the contract, the rules could also be negotiated if both the parties were willing to negotiate it. It need not be a formal document, but if any paper that had suggested rules and signs of both the parties then it would be considered as a bill of lading no matter what. (SCARRY, 2010). It was also very clearly mentioned that the contracting states should be mentioned so that there are no conflicts or claims related to th e parties. There was another differentiating factor between The Hague and The Hague-Visby rules. It was on the limitation of the liability. The limitation of liability in The Hague rule was 100 pound per package, and there was another additional clause to it that the compensation was of gold value.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Aircraft maintenance eng - Aircraft Maintenance procedures -scenario Research Paper

Aircraft maintenance eng - Aircraft Maintenance procedures -scenario for systems integration - Research Paper Example rding the aircraft’s system failures, system integration, Crew Resource Management, and tech recorders among others were evaluated, and the following information regarding the situation were summarized. The aircraft (Airbus A380) departed Changi International Airport for Sidney, Australia on November 4th, 2013 at 01:57 hours UTC. This aircraft (Airbus A380 whose registration number is VH-OQA) carried a total of 469 passengers (that is, 440 passengers and 29 members of crew) (ATSB 2010). During that day of flight, the weather was favorable, and was described by the metrological department of Changi International Airport as a clear and sunny Singapore day. After an approximate of 6 minutes after the takeoff of the plane (that is, at 02:02 hours UTC), and as the aircraft was climbing 7000 feet over Bantam Island in Indonesia, it was reported that the crew members hard a number of loud banging sounds (ATSB, 2010). These banging sounds were followed by ECAM (Electronic Centralized Aircraft Monitor) messages. These alerts were more than 50 in number and indicated that the aircraft’s Number 2 engine experienced a catastrophic failure. Immediately, the crew members initiated holding pattern then started to diagnose the problem. After approximately 50 minutes (that is at 14:52 UTC) the crew members made a decision to return to Changi International Airport in Singapore and attempt to land (ATSB 2010). At 16:32 hours UTC, the crew members managed to land the aircraft successfully with only one engine operating fully, with a maximum landing weight (MLW) of more than 50000 pounds, and in absence of the aircraft’s anti-lock brakes. In addition, the aircraft was stopped at distance of approximately 450 feet from the run way end (ATSB 2010). The disintegration of engine number 2, as indicated by investigations, produced a number of debris that struck (hit) the aircraft’s fuselage. Pieces of IP (Intermediate Pressure) turbine disc penetrated the aircraft’s left wing

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Speeches with the Power of Pesuasion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Speeches with the Power of Pesuasion - Essay Example The paper tells that in the past, we have had a number of great speeches that have persuaded many people into doing something or buying something. In addition to that, other speeches assisted in negotiation plus conflict resolution. In life, without such people with great power of persuasion, the world could be elsewhere. Any negotiator in any conflict has to be a skilled person if resolution is going to be achieved. Many a times, we have heard cases of poor negotiators entering into bad agreements that cost businesses to collapse. When one is faced with someone who is doing something that one does not like, persuasion can be a very important tool in such scenario. In as much as power is considered to be or coercion, persuasion can also be vital too as evidence from the statement ‘power of persuasion.’Social-interest theorists liken persuasion as a form of exerting social influence on someone or about something. It is usually influence that investigates the reason why hu mans change. Inducing any form of change in an individual’s attitude is what is commonly referred to as persuasion, but inducing a change of belief is what is referred as propaganda or education depending on how one looks at it. Rhodes in his book uses the term ‘influence’ in a manner similar to how one he uses the word ‘power’ in an attempt to bring change. From Rhodes perspective, it is vital in identifying what is supposed to be change by the power of persuasion.... Many a times, we have heard cases of poor negotiators entering into bad agreements that cost businesses to collapse (Levine 7). When one is faced with someone who is doing something that one does not like, persuasion can be a very important tool in such scenario (Levine 10). In as much as power is considered to be or coercion, persuasion can also be vital too as evidence from the statement ‘power of persuasion.’ Â   Social-interest theorists liken persuasion as a form of exerting social influence on someone or about something. It is usually influence that investigates the reason why humans change. Inducing any form of change in an individual’s attitude is what is commonly referred to as persuasion, but inducing a change of belief is what is referred as propaganda or education depending on how one looks at it. Rhodes in his book uses the term ‘influence’ in a manner similar to how one he uses the word ‘power’ in an attempt to bring change . From Rhodes perspective, it is vital in identifying what is supposed to be change by the power of persuasion (Levine 15). Scholars in socio-influence sometimes include the term persuasion in the concept inducements that tends to better fit in my definition of coercive power or exchange power, rather than persuasive power. Sometimes efforts aimed towards behavioral change can be left out. In other cases, the writer seems to be concerned with efforts that change attitude and not on efforts that change behaviors. There are very many useful researches on persuasion that can be located in social-influence literature, but here, my use of persuasion may be quite different (Levine 16). In this paper, I use the word persuasion to refer to a

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Identity, Authority and Freedom; The Potentate and the Traveler by Essay

Identity, Authority and Freedom; The Potentate and the Traveler by Said Edward W - Essay Example He believes that the missing element of criticism which is lacking in academies or educational institutes in most parts of the world is something that needs to be added to academic life to resolve issues of politics which include race, gender, religion, national identity and culture. The fact is, that most people are convicted of stereotyping, being ethnocentric, geocentric or faced with a national superiority or a supremacy over other cultures (Said, 2005). Analysis and Evaluation The problem highlighted by the author here relates to identity, authority and freedom of speech and expression in the world in general. The fact that, nothing in this world is seen in isolation but is relative to other things or dependent on other elements such as culture, religion, geographic similarity, religion, nationality or politics. In light of social sciences and humanities, the author considers race, gender, ethnicity and religion as political factors that hinder learning and knowledge at all leve ls especially in the academia which is suffering from a lack of academic freedom as the author terms it. He believes that academics forms a basis of what the students would later be like once they leave the academic institute and the social, political and general environment is what defines their future and how they deal with adversities.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Paperless office database - Topic title Coursework

Paperless office database - Topic title - Coursework Example There is also need to reach out to the global market (Digital IEEE Software House Advertisement, 2013).Previously, it was easier due to the geographical region had to cover as compared to currently when there are no boundaries globally, and you want to reach out to them. The way to collect information about the advertisement company is to do document review of journals, books, and articles. The step is very vital because there are many people out there who have carried out research on the topic, and it is necessary to consider their opinions. Further, there would be an interview with experts in the field to get first-hand information on their experiences and trending ways of advertisements (Reeves, 2014). In addition, questionnaires will also be used to reach out to experts who are willing to help but are far thus it is not possible to interview them. There are a lot of data challenges in advertisement companies. First, there is a lot of incoming data from consumers. These data needs to be analyzed, and patterns drawn from it to make projections. The results are important in making decisions in the company. The company also needs to get real-time retrieval of information concerning their customers. It is a significant challenge with traditional means to achieve this. Thus, a relational database management system is required. Handling of varied formats of data is also inevitable (Digital Magazines House Advertisement, 2014). A database system offers a lot of flexibility in storing a lot of data with different formats. They can also handle a lot of data at the same time as compared to any traditional means. Databases further encourage validation of data, segmentation of consumers and proper organization of data in the media industry. The system wishes to achieve a number of milestones. First, is to omit manual handling of data using files and cabins by digitizing content.

Monday, September 23, 2019

An Absolutory Confession Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

An Absolutory Confession - Essay Example Shoba being a great planner, had planned her life in her head but the death of the baby came as a shock and makes Shoba realize that nothing in this world can be vouched for. Because of their disconnection, they try to find a way to seek forgiveness and decide to reveal a secret each, every night when the light went off at eight. The definition of confession is an acknowledgment or disclosure of sin or sinfulness and though in the process of confession, both Shukumar and Shoba felt relieved superficially, they end up hurting and disappointing each other unintentionally. It made them realize the fact that they did not know each other too well. Eventually, instead of strengthening the relationship, Shukumar and Shoba’s confessions cause them to walk away from each other, but in the end it is Shukumar’s confession about their dead baby that brings the two closer to each other. Shukumar’s confession begins with romantic memories. In his first confession he tells Shoba about their first date because it was the first thing that came to his mind when he was refreshing his memory. Shukumar remembered, â€Å"The first time we went out to dinner, to the Portuguese place, I forgot to tip the waiter. I went back the next morning, found out his name, left money with the manager† (222). Shukumar’s first confession is simple because he has no idea how Shoba would later use this game to manipulate and hurt him. Shukumar hoped that through the game, they would get closer to each other, Shoba would return to her normal self and their love would rekindle but he was unaware that Shoba’s hope for anything at all had died along with their baby. Next day, Shukumar admits his fault in his second confession which means that his second confession goes deeper than his first. Shukumar said â€Å"I cheated on my oriental exam in college† (226). Shukumar carried the burden of his shameful deed for

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Movie comment Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Comment - Movie Review Example There seems to be a break in connection with the past. This can be a good thing, however, because it forces the next generation to carve out a new way for themselves, and escape from the weight of history that has been handed down to them. One of the most interesting aspects of the film is that Pilar, who has a white father and Mexican mother, is a teacher whose job is to reinterpret the history for all of the different groups, even though the parents of the schoolchildren resist her open minded approach to the past. Cinema has a great power to play with time: â€Å"Sayles visually reinforces the weight of history and the past in Frontera with seamless chronological transitions smoothly effected by means of panning or other camera movement during uninterrupted takes.† (West and West, 1996, p.1) The flashbacks help to put history into context. Question 2. The town of Frontera, whose name literally means frontier or border, is at the meeting point of North America and South Amer ica, and it is also where the different mentalities of these two worlds meet.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

The Tragedy of Self-Awareness in Native Son Essay Example for Free

The Tragedy of Self-Awareness in Native Son Essay Richard Wright’s Native Son is about the cost of suffering and sacrifices which one man, defined as the Other from the mainstream of society, must pay in order to live as a full human being in a world that denies him the right to live with dignity. As a social being, Bigger Thomas is completely deprived himself because he is unable to find his social and self-esteemed values both in the stunted ghetto life and in the oppression of racist society. Therefore, the only way Bigger can express himself is through violence and rebellion: Wright views Bigger’s tragic destiny as the evidence which directly reflects the violence of a racist society. Eventually, in Native Son, Wight’s accusation is directed toward the systematized oppression applied by the white people, designed to keep the blacks from advancing and attaining their fullest potentialities. Wright’s major purpose in Native Son is to show how tyrannical racist society oppresses the external and internal condition of Bigger Thomas, and how Bigger’s existence is distorted in that oppressive condition. Under the external oppression, black people come to inevitably go through an inner refraction, extremely internalizing the external oppression into the self, at the same time. On that account, self-hatred, shame and impotence are produced. Bigger’s existence, also, is perverted from not only his harsh reality but his own stunted inner-self. Under this dehumanizing condition, he has to be â€Å"a dispossessed and disinherited man,† and has to struggle for his existence even by means of radical violent actions (Wright 466). The deep-rooted discordance induces an inner-refraction, and promotes the fundamental fear of self. That concretely appears in the phase of Bigger who has to observe his family’s suffering, and suffers from confirming his powerlessness. As for Bigger or other black people, fear means poor, incapable and furious. At the same time, fear is an anxious state of mind that he/she is afraid that him/herself is really such a person. This is the heart of the fear that blacks, including Bigger, feel, and that Wright wants to warn of. Similarly, in the case of Bigger, being confronted with the problematic condition, he is unwilling to confirm in his mind that he is valueless: â€Å"Each time he asked himself that question his mind hit a blank wall and he stopped thinking† (Wright 12). In order not to directly see his reality, Bigger suspends his thinking from the unbearable and repetitious everyday-life. Therefore, wastefully he just spends most of time in the trivial matters such as deciding to â€Å"buy a ten-cent magazine, or go to a movie, or go to the poolroom and talk with the gang, or just loaf around† (Wright 13). The following description well shows Bigger’s unconscious desire to look away from a grim reality. He stretched his arms above his head and yawned; his eyes moistened. The sharp precision of the world of steel and stone dissolved into blurred waves. He blinked and the world grew hard again, mechanical, distinct (Wright 16). What Bigger wants is an escape from the â€Å"mechanical† and â€Å"distinct† society (Wright 16). Thus, he wants to see the distinct boundary of society to be blurred even in the short moment of yawning. He feels comfort in the instant moment that sharp distinction of reality is blunt. The comfort, however, offered by temporary optical illusion, vanishes even simply by a blink. This kind of escapist-inclination is also revealed in the cases of Mrs. Thomas or Bigger’s girlfriend, Bessie. Mrs. Thomas retreats into conventional religion because she is unable to handle the harsh reality. Likewise, Bessie is frequently anesthetized by alcohol, swing music, and sex because she is afraid to realize herself, completely trapped by white-centered society. In relation to Bigger, he is momentarily satisfied with constructing his own fantasy: indulging in movies, dreaming of robbing a white-owned store, and playing white, â€Å"referring to a game of play-acting in which he and his friends imitated the ways and manners of white folks† (Wright 17). Everyone in the novel is described literally or figuratively as blind people, from the state’s attorney, Buckley, whose sight is prejudiced by virulent racism, to Mrs. Dalton, whose blindness is actual as well as symbolic. As Brignano states, the world of Native Son is essentially â€Å"a world divided by a color curtain† (38), and no one ever really sees Bigger. Instead, they see what they believe because the blind people are â€Å"seduced by social stereotypes into seeing myth rather than the individual† (Felgar 100). Before Bigger kills Bessie, he rapes her. He is not conscious that he is raping her because the meaning of rape for him is much different from its general notion. When Bessie said to him that â€Å"they’ll say you raped her,† Bigger effaces a physical part from the concept of rape, and he replaces it with a psychological part: Had he raped her? Yes, he had raped her. Every time he felt as he had felt that night, he raped. But rape was not what one did to women. Rape was what one felt when one’s back was against a wall and one had to strike out, whether one wanted to or not, to keep the pack from killing one. He committed rape every time he looked into a white face. He was a long, taut piece of rubber which a thousand white hands had stretched to the snapping point, and when he snapped it was rape. But it was rape when he cried out in hate deep in his heart as he felt the strain of living day by day. That, too, was rape (Wright 227-228). Bigger has no regard to Bessie’s continuous rejection because, for him, rape means both an irresolvable fury toward white people and the ineffaceable humiliation of black life. In addition, because he is completely immersed in his desire to do and to fulfill something, Bessie’s protests are utterly ignored in his consciousness: â€Å"Her voice came to him now from out of a deep, faraway silence and he paid her no heed. The loud demand of the tensity of his own body was a voice that drowned out hers† (Wright 233). Contrary to Bigger’s elated state. Social reality is growing ever more hostile to black people because of his crime. Five thousand policemen are thrown about Black Belt, many windows in the Negro section are smashed, all white schools are scheduled to be closed until the black murderer is captured, and several hundred black employees throughout the city are dismissed from jobs. Especially, Bigger realizes again the blind, inhuman and white-centered attitudes of society after being captured by policemen. At a court room in the Cook Country Morgue, what Bigger comes to feel is not a sense of guilt but rebellion, which arises against the fact that he has to be degraded into the sport for whites even in the moment of confronting death. Bigger think white people have no right to watch and use him for whatever they want: He sensed that in their attitude toward him they had gone beyond hate. He was their eyes gazing at him with calm conviction. Though he could not have put it into wo rds, he felt that not only had they resolved to put him to death, but that they were determined to make his death mean more than a mere punishment; that they regarded him as a figment of that black world which they feared and were anxious to keep under control. The atmosphere of the crowd told him that they were going to use his death as a bloody symbol of fear to wave before the eyes of that black world (Wright 276). Especially, Bigger seriously contemplates himself and the meaning of his life through the conversation with Max. The dialogue makes Bigger perceive relationships between himself and other people that he has never thought of: If that white looming mountain of hate were not a mountain at all, but people, people like himself, and like Jan—then he was faced with a high hope the like of which he had never thought could be, and a despair the full depths of which he knew he could not stand to feel (Wright 361). Faced with impending death, Bigger is aware of why he had to kill other people, and of what he did not know: But really I never wanted to hurt nobody†¦ They was crowding me too close; they wouldn’t give me no room†¦ I was always wanting something and I was feeling that nobody would let me have it†¦ I’ll be feeling and thinking that they didn’t see me and I didn’t see them (Wright 425). â€Å"I didn’t want to kill!† Bigger shouted. â€Å"But what I keeled for, I am!†Ã¢â‚¬ ¦. â€Å"What I killed for must’ve been good! When a man kills, it’s for something†¦. I didn’t know I was really alive in this world until I felt things hard enough to kill for’em†¦. It’s the truth† (Wright 429). Bigger’s statement, â€Å"What I killed for I am!,† shows the awareness of his whole personality (Wright 429). It is not an irresponsible excuse but a painful acknowledgement of himself. Bigger does not assert his violent act of murder is good because he has regretted such violence by realizing, in guilt and horror, how it has hurt many innocent people. Ultimately, Bigger himself comprehends that he has been distorted, alienated and blinded his whole life. Equally, he realizes too much suffering and sacrifices have been paid in order to achieve his self. Apparently, Bigger’s tragedy lies in that he fails to grasp the proper moment of life, recognizing himself as a full human being, and he only comes to grasp that moment on the day of his execution. His awareness is too late. In addition, the total awareness was possible in the condition that all the other opportunities were deprived by confinement in prison except death: Waiting to die, Bigger discards all hopes for living, because he does not have to resist being oppressed by a racist society and to fear being cornered by a harsh environment. What Bigger achieves is not the splendid thing that all the people would try to gladly attain and assimilate. However, Bigger’s desperate struggle to achieve the meaning of his existence cannot be simply considered as a trivial and monstrous thing, even though the achievement has originated from violence and rebellion. Bigger’s self-awareness is important in both personal an social respects. For, in the personal dimension, Bigger continuously attempts to realize his existence, resists not to be a mere environmental victim, and he torturously achieves his inward life that makes him understand other people as well as himself until the last moment of his life. And in the social dimension, the problems of Bigger transcend the limit of race, and present with reconsiderations to think about other oppressed people in society. In the end, the tragedy of Bigger Thomas clearly shows the painful process of self-awareness of one human being who suffers from the oppression of social prejudice, and struggles to find his human value. In Native Son, violence of whites and blacks is directed toward each other. The society, stained with hostility and discrimination, prevents people from realizing their full potential as human beings and excludes them from full and equal participation in society. In such condition, like in the case of Bigger Thomas, self-realization can only come through violence. Finally, the destruction from such violence is mutual: What becomes the tragedy of an individual ultimately leads to the tragedy of society.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Women and Society in Porphyrias Lover and A Dolls House

Women and Society in Porphyrias Lover and A Dolls House The composers, Henrik Ibsen and Robert Browning both challenge the values of their society by examining the relationship between the women in their literature and their respective societies. In the poem Porphyrias Lover by Browning and Ibsens play A Dolls House, the women challenge the 19th century notions of how women were expected to remain as passive and subservient figures. The Duchess in My Last Duchess by Browning and Nora in A Dolls House resist mainstream attitudes and perspectives that accustomed males to value their honour and reputation above all, which victimised women to attain the expectations of the ideal household and marriage. Brownings poem Porphyrias Lover explores the tension between the individual and social convention of the 19th century by subverting the social expectation of women to be passive and docile. The patriarchal society of Victorian England suppressed the outward manifestation of female identity and sexuality, by objectifying women and treating them as inferior. The shift in narrator voice in Porphyria worshipped me That moment she was mine, mine, fair reflects the patriarchal nature of Victorian society, with the repetition of the possessive pronoun mine revealing that males would ultimately assert dominance over females. In murmuring how she loved me and give herself to me forever suggests that Porphyria is entrapped in the passive role in which society expects her to remain. Porphyrias sexually forward behaviour is demonstrated in the vivid imagery, her smooth white shoulder bare which challenges the preordained ideas that women were to inhibit their sexuality and establish their value on their chastity. The churchs role in instilling and consolidating values of female submissiveness is demonstrated in the biblical allusions, And yet God has not yet said a word! further emphasising the societys expectation of women. Hence, Porphyrias Lover challenges traditional ways of thinking in 19th century England in which the societys perception of female behaviour and gender interactions were in place. Henrik Ibsens play A Dolls House also encapsulates how the values placed within female submissiveness and subordination transcend time. In 19th century Europe, a woman who stepped out of her domesticated role in the home and entered the outside world of the labour force was censured. Torvalds condescending manner when addressing Nora as squirrelkin or songbird ostensibly gives off the impression of being affectionate, however has paternalistic undertones which fix Noras inferior status in the relationship. Torvalds displeasure at Noras agitated dancing of the tarantella commenting, Not so violently, It isnt right reflects how the patriarchal society of 19th century Europe suppressed a womans desire to fulfil her need for self-expression and lead a full and satisfying life. Nora questions the possessive attitude of men in It pleased you, thats all- the idea of loving me which demonstrates how she challenges the social conventions that a woman must remain subordinate to men. Noras ass ertive exit at the end of the play undermines the role of women staying faithful to their husbands, challenging the norm that women will eventually submit to the male suppression of their independence and identity. Through Noras transformation from a woman, belittled and undermined by the males in her life, into a strong-willed and independent being, Ibsens A Dolls House explores the tension between the individual and the society with set the behavioural standards. Browning seeks to challenge the conservative Victorian mindset in his portrayal of tyrannical and rabid power, highlighting the materialism and commodification of life within his society. The ruthless and despotic power portrayed in Brownings My Last Duchess elucidates the moral inadeqacy of the patriarchal Victorian era, where social stratification encouraged obsession with power, in which women were characterised as either the Madonna or the whore. Motivated by wealth, privilege and punctilious pride of rank, ‘I choose never to stoop’, the Duke is a complex figure of artistic cultivation and consuming acquisitiveness. His aristocratic need for absolute control is disguised by his indifferent, almost affable tone, highlighted through the tension between the enjambment and the consistent rhyming couplets . Nevertheless, he ironically damns himself while attempting to discredit his naà ¯ve and unsophisticated wife who did not appreciation the ‘gift of a nine hundre d year old name’, revealing his chillingly casual and unmerited cruelty manufactured by his jealousy. Browning challenges societal expectations as he articulates the fallibility of humankind through the desire of material comforts as equalled signs of achievement and power. A Dolls House also challenges the 19th century way of thinking about how womens identities were determined by predefined roles within households resulting in feelings of suppression. The bourgeoisie men of 19th century Europe were socially conditioned to place obligations on their wives to uphold their reputation of their family and assume responsibility for all domestic affairs and difficulties. The emotive language when Torvald says â€Å"Almost always when people go bad young in life, the cause is a deceitful mother† reveals how women were expected to bear all responsibility for the children and familial affairs, which contrasts with Nora’s later decision to abandon this domestic life. Noras confrontation of social norms by prioritising her own self-respect and need to express her identity is revealed in the motif of clothing during her final conversation with her husband, Changing. No more fancy dress. This contrasts with Torvalds patronising tone in But no man sacr ifices his honour for the lone he loves, which implies that society has conditioned men to regard their reputation as more important than human emotions or interpersonal relationships. During her final conversation with Torvald, Noras assertion in But Im going to find out which of us is right, society or me, further reinforces how she defies the social norm that a woman should dedicate herself to maintaining the public image of the household and marriage so as not to threaten the values of the male. Thus, A Doll’s House presents ideas reluctant to mainstream attitudes as Ibsen explores the need for resistance against society, especially the expectations of women, in order to move forward. The individuals in Robert Browning’s poems ‘Porphyria’s Lover’ and ‘My Last Duchess’, as well as Nora in Henrik Ibsen’s play A Doll’s House behave in a radical and confronting manner as viewed by 19th century society, overcoming the constraints placed by the world they live in. They challenge society’s ideals regarding the accepted behaviour for women as passive figures whose identity and sexuality are suppressed, and as wives and mothers who must place their obligations to their husband and social reputation before their need to express themselves respectively.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Comparing Lamb to the Slaughter and the Speckled Band :: Lamb Band Slaughter compare Contrast Essays

Comparing Lamb to the Slaughter and the Speckled Band In this essay i am going to compare two short stories, and see if they are traditional murder mystery stories. I want to see if the stories also follow the conventions of a murder mystery story. One story is called 'Lamb to the Slaughter' and the other is 'The Speckled Band'. The story 'Lamb to the Slaughter' ('LTS') was written in 1954, which is over sixty years ago. 'The Speckled Band' ('TSB') was written in 1892. Roald Dahl wrote the story 'LTS'. This story does not follow the conventions of a murder mystery story. Arthur Conan Doyle wrote 'TSB'. This is a murder mystery story. It follows the basic conventions of murder mysteries. I will try to show the differences between the two stories, and show how the stories have different genres. Genre is a type. Geenre is a french word which means Type. Many things have genres. Things we use to entertain ourselfs with, or pass time with, have a genre. For example, films, music, books, games and many other things have genres. Genre is important because it lets people know what they are doing. If someone is watching a film they would wnt to know what genre it is. It could be a horror,thriller, comedy or anything else. So this helps them to know what type of film they are watching, but it would not give away any part of the film. Genre is useful for writers, film makers or artists. They would know what area to target, and they can make money. I am trying to find out if these two stories, 'LTS' and 'TSB', are murder mysery stories. Murder mysteries have conventions. They are basic requirments and these are: -The Detective is the main focus -The reader/viewer (if a film) is set a challenge or challanges -Usually set ater the murder -Gradually builds tention -Denoment (crime is solved) Ending -Then ending has a moral Every murder mystery has a basic story line and must have most of the conventions to fit the genre. In 'LTS' Mrs Maloney is portrayed as a normal wife. She is not presented as a murderer. At the beginning of the story it said she "...glance up at the clock" and "...was waiting for her husband." When he came back home she "Took his coat." She then "Walked over and made the drinks." This is what any normal wife would do. She then asked, "Shall i get your slippers?" and she wanted to make him some dinner. She appears as though she is a loving caring wife. She does not look like a suspect for any type of

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Muscular Dystrophy Essay -- Science Biology Health

Muscular Dystrophy Scientists have been struggling with the cause, treatment of, and cure for Muscular dystrophy since its discovery in 1886, by Dr. Guillaume Duchenne. Muscular dystrophy is a hereditary disease, affecting thousands of people every year, two-thirds being children between the age of birth through adolescents. Muscular dystrophy can also occur with no family history of the disease. Muscular dystrophy is a degenerating disease, in which the skeletal muscles degenerate, lose their strength, and cause increasing disability and deformity. Muscles attached to the bones through tendons are responsible for movement in the human body, however, in muscular dystrophy the muscles become progressively weak. As the muscle fibers become extremely weak they start to die and are replaced by connective tissue. The connective tissue is fibrous and fatty rather than muscular. These replacement fibers are normally found in skin and scar tissue and are not capable of movement, which cause the muscles to become even weaker. While muscular dystrophy continues to be a debilitating disease, there are a variety of recognizable types, Duchenne muscular dystrophy, or pseudohypertrophic, being the most common. In this disease, the muscles involved are in the upper thigh and pelvis. The disease strikes in early childhood, usually between the ages of three and five years of age. This form is genetic, transmitted from mothers who are known to be carriers of the defective gene. Although rare, females with a history of ovarian dysgenesis have been known to develop symptoms of Duchenne muscular dystrophy. Duchenne muscular dystrophy is caused by a defect in the dystrophin gene that is vital for healthy muscles. The abnormality causes l... ...g doctors are able to educate couples on the rare possibility that they may produce affected offspring. By doing so couples can make the decision whether to continue the inheritance of the defective gene to their offspring, or make a conscience decision not to. Through medical research we will have a cure of how to stop this debilitating disease. Work Cited Duchenne's Muscular Dystrophy." The New Complete Medical And Health Encyclopedia. 1996 ed. "Facts About Muscular Dystrophy MD)." Muscular Dystrophy Association Publications. 6/2001. "Facts About Muscular Dystrophy (MD)." Muscular Dystrophy Association Publication. 6/2001 "Muscular Dystrophy." New Standard Encyclopedia. 1996 ed. Robinson, Richard. "Muscular dystrophy." The Gale Encyclopedia of Medicine. 1999 ed.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

“The Darkling Thrush” Essay -- Poetry Analysis

â€Å"The Darkling Thrush† is a sorrowful poem, which uses a variety of writing techniques to present forth the theme of never giving up hope, while still keeping with the bleak atmosphere of the poem. Poet and novelist Thomas Hardy wrote this poem on December 31, 1899, the last day of the 19th century. The speaker in the poem creates a gloomy and negative tone; yet, in the end it becomes slightly more upbeat, when the belief of hope is spread from the thrush. It is dusk and the speaker is alone outside, leaning against a wooden gate. He is an inward character, which is made evident by the dramatized conviction that â€Å"all mankind†¦had sought their household fires.† The land seemed lifeless with nothing growing and no animals near. Amidst the darkness, a frail thrush began to sing a joyful tune. The feeble bird’s ability to throw its soul to the world uplifted the speaker. It was as though the bird knew something hopeful of the future that the speaker did not. The Darkling Thrush has a variety of rhythm, meter and rhyming elements, which help contribute to the overall value of the poem. It is written in iambic tetrameter, with lines 1, 3, 5, and 7 having four stressed syllables, and lines 2, 4, 6, and 8 having only three stressed syllables. It has an ABABCDCD rhyme scheme, which in turn adds to the melancholy tone of the poem, and creates consistency in the poem’s sense of despair. The lines in this poem are roughly equal in length, and the pattern throughout remains coherently uniform. The poet creates structure in the poem by forming two sentences in each of the first two stanzas, and only one sentence in each of the last two stanzas. This formation combined with the strict use of declarative sentences, and an absence of transition w... ...crypt the cloudy canopy’ creates a strict, harsh sound, adding to the bitter despondency of the poem. The specific use of wording throughout this poem works to create the gloomy atmosphere present within the poem. Thomas Hardy presented a negative tone throughout the poem, while still keeping with the more uplifting theme of hope. With the thorough use of metaphors, similes, terminology, structure, and rhyme scheme, â€Å"The Darkling Thrush† works well to produce its desired intention. Although the theme of hope is clearly presented in the end of the poem, Hardy does not lose the sense of misery within the poem. He finds a way to display both hope and dejection in a cleverly interesting way. â€Å"The Darkling Thrush† is an interesting poem of a frail little bird that is great enough to change the thoughts of a man. Works Cited "The Darkling Thrush" by Thomas Hardy

Monday, September 16, 2019

A question arises as to how governments

Employment is important for every individual. Employment is a source of income whether it is a private job or a government job. Depending on education, experience and caliber, individuals are offered jobs in specific cadres. Every job carries certain responsibilities whether it is a labor job, clerical job or a senior management job.There are certain management principles that are required to be practiced   for every employee at every level of job functioning. Government and businesses cannot function without people and in fact efficient employees are the greatest asset for organizations to grow towards profit and development. A question arises as to how governments have a role to play in private sector.The answer to this question is, in order to bring transparency in private sector businesses, there are certain legal enactments i.e. Employment relations Act 2004, Companies Act, Corporate Insolvency Law and many other legal rules for every purpose of public or private sector.   T hese enactments contain rules and regulations which can be referred whenever there is a requirement for fulfilling a provision.For instance Employment Relations Act 2004 states about employee and employer relations and how these have to be maintained which is required to be followed by both private sector and public sector, which reduces a number of conflicts and disputes that could occur without these legal rules.The relation of employee and employer is slightly a difficult task to manage with, and at one point of time, appears much easier depending on the situation.   However, every employee and employer have to be careful with the jobs being held with in respective organizations.There are many human resource management books which detail and discuss about employee and employer relations within office environment as well with office related aspects of management. Management of relation involves both personal manners as well treating others with respect.In management, there are a lso barriers of culture, origin of a person and much in respect of working environment. Especially in industrial sector, where there are quite a number of workers and who carry grievances or demands in paying high salaries, asking for more number of leisure hours or bonus payments etc., The skill and efficiency of management is evident in handling trade unions of industries.Trade unions are very tough to deal with and when the demands of union are not met with, closure of factories, stopping production or working on strike, or slow production and such other activities are undertaken. Therefore, management of industries have to be extremely careful with industrial workers.Governments in order to assist industries have enacted Employment Relations Act 2004. This Act specially deals with labor laws and trade union rights.  Ã‚   UK government also introduced Employment Bill 2007 – 2008 which covers all aspects of employment law. This would further improve the effectiveness of e mployment law which would benefit employers, trade unions, individuals and public sector.   It also protects workers and encourages law-abiding businesses.Dispute resolutions is one area which is always required in workplaces.   In this regard, the Bill details about statutory procedures and related provisions about dismissal cases.   Apart from the above, the Bill clarifies about National Minimum Wage and which imposes penalties on non-compliance methods in respects of payment of salaries, calculation of arrears and also strengthens employment agencies.

Empire of the Sun Essay

One of the many themes in ‘Empire of the Sun’ is growing up. At the beginning of the book Jim is an optimist, but throughout the length of the book he is transformed, and by the end he has a more realistic view of things. The reader is shown how Jim grows up, through this transformation, and by the end of the novel it is clear that Jim has changed by the way his personality and approach to life has altered. As a young child, Jim has seen some of the devastating results of the war, but seems to be detached from them. One of the first examples that show how lucky he is, is when he asks Vera where her parents lived. When she replies, ‘They live in one room, James’, Jim found this inconceivable, demonstrating how spoilt he is. Completely absorbed in his own privileged world, he spends his days riding his bicycle around the city, dreaming of being a fighter pilot like the Japanese pilots he sees flying overhead. After he thought he had provoked the Japanese attack, by shining the torch out of the window to the Japanese ships, it is illustrated how ignorant Jim is when the author tells us that, ‘He decided not to tell his mother that he had started the war. ‘ On pages 64 – 65 we are invited to infer that Jamie is still a child as we are told his reaction to the talcum powder on the floor. Jim thinks that his mother has been dancing a tango, which we know to have been a struggle; by the way we are told that it â€Å"seemed far more violent than any tango he had ever seen. † He is also portrayed as childish by the way he rides his bike around the house on page 67. The quote, ‘they seemed much younger than Jim, but in fact both were more than a year older,’ from the beginning of chapter 15, signifies that in the short time between leaving Shanghai, and arriving at the detention centre, Jim has already begun growing up. The words, ‘how much he had changed,’ on page 153, also demonstrate that Jim himself was beginning to recognise that he was growing up. By the end of chapter 20, Jim ‘could no longer remember what his parents looked like. ‘ At this point, we can see that Jim’s experience has definitely made him older and further away from his parents, so much, it seems, that he cannot remember what they looked like. Quotes like, ‘a more adult eye’, ‘no longer cared’, ‘unexpected erection’ and ‘Kimura†¦ had once been a child as he himself had been before the war’ give the impression that Jim is graduating from ‘The University of Life’ – or he is growing up from his experience. According to Ballard, Jim’s ‘first adult act’ was when he pushed his suitcase into the river. He later regrets this, as he could have sold the contents, but still, it was his first adult act – the turning point in his life from childhood to a mature adolescent. As the book draws to a conclusion, it becomes clear that Jim has grown up. When he is reunited with his parents he realises that ‘his mother and father had been through a different war,’ showing that he was grown up and less dependant on his parents. He is also older and wiser, and realises how patient China have been, and he thinks that ‘One day China would punish the rest of the world, and take a frightening revenge. ‘ By the end of the book we have a full picture of Jim’s difficult childhood. We can see that he has changed from the spoilt child, who goes to fancy dress parties in the middle of a war, and who can’t possibly believe that someone could live in a room the size of his dressing room, to a young adult who has graduated from the ‘University of Life’, and who now realised that China would one day take a huge revenge. This change shows the reader that although thought of as a war novel, ‘Empire of the Sun’ is actually a Rites of Passage novel, and the war is just the time and place in which the story is set. Show preview only The above preview is unformatted text This student written piece of work is one of many that can be found in our GCSE Miscellaneous section.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Obesity: Logic and Marion Nestle

â€Å"Obesity: Who is Responsible for Our Weight? † In the essay, â€Å"Obesity: Who Is Responsible for Our Weight? † Radley Balko explains his argument on obesity; we are responsible for what we eat. Overall, the strengths were clear and persuading in this essay. One strength in his essay was his main point, we are responsible for our own weight. He explains that we are in control of what we consume, and the government should not be responsible for that. This engages the reader to think, should we really blame the government, or is ourselves to blame. This main point validates all his reasoning.Another strength is his ability to explain why government intervention is irrelevant to obesity. For example, he mentions that Oakland Mayor Jerry Brown is conducting to have a Fat Tax on high calorie food, where food restaurants must list their fat, calories, etc. on each meal. And instead they should be promoting personal-sense awareness. Overall this essay had more weaknesses than strengths. Though his side of the argument is completely true, his reasoning weren’t clearly detailed. For example, Radley Balko only targeted the government’s intervention on obesity.But what should have followed that is the food industry businesses that allow this, not just the government. Not only did he lack detail, but also he didn’t consider the point of genetics. Some Americans do not become obese by choice, but by genetics. Those who are affected by genetics may be very conscience of what they eat, but it still does no justice because of their genes. This weakened his essay. Another weakness is that he focuses too much on the government’s intervention on obesity; instead he should have listed more reasons to why obesity is a personal problem.Taken as a whole, the essay was very short, and took a while to get to the point. â€Å"Are You Responsible for Your Own Weight? † I found this to be a very strong, interesting argumentative essay by Kelly Brownell and Marion Nestle. One strength relates to the fulfillment on attention grabbing in their opening sentence. Brownell and Nestle reminds us that the food industry is like any other business: they must grow. This makes a valid point, and grabs the readers attentions which leads to wanting to read more.Mentioning the counter-argument that obesity is a personal responsibility is also a strength. This tells the reader that she is understanding to the opposing argument, while making hers very clear. Another strength is the fact that gives several examples why personal responsibility isn’t to blame which includes; obesity is growing year after year, it’s human biology for humans to be attracted to good food with high calories, the default approach of promotion of eating better and exercising more has failed for multiple years, and how personal responsibility is a trap.Not only did they have multiple examples, they had clear reasoning for each example, which proves they thought out their argument on obesity. Although this was a very strong, convincing essay, there were a couple of weaknesses. The first weakness is the unawareness of government’s real role in business. In America, our policy towards business relies strictly on the concept of Laissez Faire. Laissez Faire means allowing industry to be free from state intervention, especially restrictions in the form of tariffs and government monopolies.This is a very known concept to many Americans, and this weakens her argument. Another weakness is Brownell and Nestle mentioning they’re attentive to personal responsibility, but didn’t clearly give any reasoning to that. Overall, they essay was very well structured and barely had any weaknesses. The essay â€Å"Are You Responsible for Your Own Weight? † gives a more persuading argument. First of all this essay was clearly structured, which made it easier to read. The first essay was not as easy to read, and not as structured.Brownell and Nestle listed their reasoning, which made their points clear reassuring no confusion. Where as to Balko, there were barely any explained points in his essay, which made it hard to follow. Also, Brownell and Nestle are much more persuasive. They provided clear explained examples of why we are not the only ones responsible for obesity while Balko had little to none examples of why we are responsible. Altogether, Marion Nestle and Kelly Brownell provided a more effective argument on obesity and whose responsible for it than Radley Balko.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Would Life in the State of Nature Be Intolerable as Hobbes?

Would life in the State of Nature be intolerable as Hobbes and Locke believe? The state of nature is described as a primitive state untouched by civilization; it is the condition before the rule of law and is therefore a synonym of Anarchy. Anarchy means without government, anarchist thought is the conviction that existing forms of government are productive of wars, internal violence, repression and misery. Hobbes political philosophy considers what the life of man would be like without the state; of which is described as ‘brutish, short and nasty. ’ This view strongly contrasts with the utopian elements in anarchist thought.The Leviathan, which is an archetypal statement of the need for strong government equates anarchy with violence and disorder. The complexity of political ideas generated by both philosophies can be examined and contrasted against one another; to generate an opposite consistent anarchist inversion of Hobbism thought that justifies life in a state of n ature that is not insufferable. Hobbes explores the logic of a situation in which human nature predisposes men to act in certain ways, and there is no superior power to stop them from warring with each other (Sorrel, 1996).Therefore in the state of nature there is no economic prosperity, as this depends on security and co-operation, no scientific knowledge ‘ no arts; no letters; no society; and which is worst of all continual fear and danger of violent death’( Leviathan 82) This is an intense and extreme depiction of what life would be like with no government at all. Superimposed on this are images of a partial state of nature resulting from the breakdown of central government, or civil war, the realistic dangers Hobbes is trying to avert ( Gauthier, 1969)Hobbes abstract justification for government rests on the legalistic fiction of the social contract. The contract is created between two individuals motivated to set up a government because of the miseries they endure in the state of nature of which there is no stable social organisation (Sorrel, 1986). Hobbes rationalises that individuals driven by fear and in search of peace would all come together to draw up a peace treaty, and simultaneously set up a sovereign in order to ensure that the promise is attained. Hobbes shows that it is in the interest of the people to live under a strong overnment, and therefore one should act in a way as to maintain the existing government (Sorrel, 1986). Moral obligation and its involvement in legal practice is something that is used to conclude that government is necessary, useful and has legitimate authority. In comparison, the anarchist William Godwin replied to the notion of an original contract by constructing a rational anarchist philosophy. He pertained that contracts were not between the fictitious entity the ‘people’ and the government, but between specific individuals (Woodcock, 1977).Godwin’s society would not be built In an assum ed past as Hobbes was, but on series of mutually and constantly renewed compacts between freely contracting individuals, permanent contracts such as marriage were seen as an infringement of freedom: this theory was based on the principle of justice in anarchist thought ( Nozick, 2006) The impact of Hobbes theory is based on the evocation of violence, fears and chaos which ensues without the role of the government to enforce law.If theses notions are ‘reversed, it can be argued that men are by nature, when uncorrupted by the perverting influence of the government and evil societies, peace loving and activated by spontaneous sympathy towards others’ ( Nozick, 2006) Therefore the logic of the situation is reversed; Government now ceases to be the protector of the individual and a guarantor of their lives and property. Instead ‘the state is seen as a chief threat to liberty, security and prosperity of the individual, whom it circumscribes with laws and regulationsâ₠¬â„¢ ( Rotberg, 2004) Hobbes did concede that governments might harm their subjects’ (Gauthier, 1969) but retained that this harm would ensue a lot less damage compared to the horror inflicted upon man in a state of war and calamity as in an anarchist society. Anarchists like Godwin and Tolstoy believed that governments are responsible for the greatest crimes, and promote devastating wars between states ( Ferrel, 2001). It is of course an over simplification that to say that anarchists believe men are always naturally coercive and peaceable, just as it is misleading to suggest that Hobbes thought all men were competitive and vainglorious .The anarchists conclude that government is a great and unnecessary evil, and that anarchy in the literal sense of no government need not mean anarchy in the popular sense of violence and disorder (Bain, 1967) . ‘The most basic element common to both theoretical frameworks is the assumption that social analysis begins with the individua l, his personal desires and wishes’ (Ferrel, 2001) rather than with the society as a whole; political conclusions are based on an individualist position. Hobbes defines freedom as the absence of external constraints on the individual.The need for a strong government to prevent civil war can be replaced with the government’s priority to promote a natural harmony of interests. ‘The restrictive role of the state is reduced to a minimum, and the logical consequence is a laissez faire liberalism in which there is a belief in the role of the state in maintaining internal peace, and providing defence against external enemies’ (Woodcock, 1977). If this brand of liberalism is taken to its logical extreme what results, is a kind of laissez faire anarchism postulating a natural harmony of interests in all spheres of social life. Woodcock, 1977) This is a conception of individual freedom that can be attained in a state of nature that is accepted by Hobbes. Although he does not believe in overriding the rights of the government, he espouses radical egalitarianism ( Gauthier,1969) . The equality of all men is a notion that is pertained in order to deny the nobility of the privileged, and hence disruptive status within the realm; all men are equally obliged to obey the sovereign ( Sorrel, 1996) The basic sense of equality against all men in the state of nature is necessary if all men are to live under a sovereign.He refutes the idea that some sections of humanity are naturally superior to others, the aristocracy are not superior by nature, but by social convention; women are not inferior by nature but by family convention. ( Sorrel, 1986) .In Godwin’s theory of justice it is understood that all men and women are morally equal, therefore justice demands they should be socially and economically equal. Therefore in a state of nature of which all men are equal, there would be no need for any civil war, as no man is above another nor has the auth ority to claim war against any fellow man (Woodcock, 1977)Hobbes psychological outlook on the nature of man is similar to an anarchist libertarian approach. The pleasures of life, especially sex, are viewed as passionate desire of man which should not be denied (Bain, 1967). There is no hierarchy of higher and lower passions, man is perceived as a machine motivated by a succession of desires: this view is subversive of social taboos and social morality (Gauthier, 1969). A belief in the fulfilment of mans natural desires can be turned into a positive plea to encourage individuals to satisfy their desires and find happiness (Ferrel, 2001).This could be achieved in a state of nature governed by anarchist thought, it is a position that would serve man well and allow them personal freedom against the walls of repression produced under the laws of government. Another direct assessment can be proposed regarding the outlook of law between the two contrasting philosophies. For Hobbes the law is defined as the will and authority of the sovereign, and is not due to the law of nature or the principles of natural justice.If the legitimacy of the sovereign’s authority is denied then so is the legitimacy of the law (Rotberg, 2004) . If one believes in independent standards of justice and morality; as do anarchists, existing laws can be judged as morally unjust. Moreover if government in itself is an evil then the laws propagated by the governments are not only coercive restrictions on individual liberty, but an intolerable form of coercion (Nozick, 2006) In conclusion, life in the state of nature would not be an unbearable way to live.There is a possibility that man may live harmoniously without the need of government to restrain them; as they are able to direct their passions and desires using a sense of rationality. The use of government has an inverse effect on society which causes corruption and creates wars with the use of individual power and authority. Hobbes s eems to be describing a society of beasts in anarchy after the disturbing influences of the state has been removed, after which people are unaware of the natural laws of equality of which they should live by. References Woodcock, George, (1977) The Anarchist Reader, chpt7 †¢ Ferrel, Jeff, (2001) Tearing Down The Streets; Adventures in Urban Anarchy, chpt 5, 2, 1 †¢ Nozick, Robert, ( 2006) Anarchy State and Utopia, chpt 2, 5 †¢ Rotberg, Robert, ( 2004) When States Fail; Causes and Consequences, chpt 4 †¢ Bain, William, ( 1967) Between Anarchy and Society chpt 1, 2, 3 †¢ Gauthier, David, ( 1969) The Logic of Leviathan, chpt 1, 2, 5 †¢ Sorrel, Tom, ( 1986) The Arguments Of Philosophies, chpt 8, 11 †¢ Sorrel, Tom ( 1996) Cambridge Companion to Hobbes, chpt 9 chpt = Chapter

Friday, September 13, 2019

Introduction to management accounting Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Introduction to management accounting - Essay Example The company is also intending to manufacture natural toothpaste, which is expected to attract a large number of consumers considering that there is an increasing attention in regards to health issue. In this respect, the company expects its sales to grow consistently. 2.0 Target selling price and cost card The selling price of the company’s products is targeted to be low-priced relative to other similar products on the market. However, the company would take into consideration the costs associated with labor, raw materials, direct expenses and other variable costs, as well as fixed costs in calculating reasonable prices for both toothbrush and toothpaste. The use would use the marginal costing with an intention of calculating easily the break-even point (Siegel, & Shim, 2010). The company’s direct material cost for every product is expected to be ?0.15 and ?0.1 for toothbrush and toothpaste respectively. The direct labor cost is anticipated to be ?0.05 and ?0.1 for toot hbrush and toothpaste respectively. Direct expenses are expected to stand at ?0.05 for every product. Other variable costs would also stand at ?0.05 for toothbrush and toothpaste. ... This would ensure that toothbrush and toothpaste are priced at ?0.5 and ?0.6 correspondingly. In relation to the market prices, the company’s prices would be slightly higher relative to Fluoridine Active Fresh of ?0.45 and Tubes High Quality of ?0.3. Conversely, it would be relatively lower with respect to Aquafresh of ?6 and Natural Paste of ?7. Additionally, the company’s toothbrush prices would comparatively lower to that of other firms on the market. 3.0 Breakeven point In order to calculate the breakeven point, there was a need to calculate the contribution margin per product using the marginal costing principle. In this regard, the company calculated the total variable costs, which was estimated at ?0.3 for each of the product (toothbrush and toothpaste). Moreover, the company subtracted the total variable costs for every product from the selling price to arrive at the marginal contribution for both toothbrush and toothpaste. Given that the selling price of toothp aste is ?0.5; its contribution margin per product is bound to be ?0.2. Similarly, considering that the selling price of toothpaste is ?0.6, then, the contribution margin per product would be ?0.3. For an individual to arrive at the breakeven point, one should calculate the number of products that may result in the profits of a firm being zero (Kieso, Weygandt, & Warfield, 2012). In this regard, it is estimated that 2,000 pieces of toothbrushes should be sold to meet the total fixed costs of ?400. On the other hand, it is expected that 1,500units of toothpastes should be sold to pay the total fixed costs of ?450. The company’s average contribution margin is estimated at ?0.25, while the total fixed costs are ?850. As a result, the company would breakeven by selling a total

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Film Noir Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Film Noir - Essay Example The term was initially coined by Nino Frank, who described a highly stylized form of movies that Hollywood began producing following the wars and the Great Depression. The movies primarily revolved around criminal investigations and had a very dark tone. Some examples of Film Noir include The Set up and the Big Sleeper. Among some contemporary examples are Twelve Monkeys and Seven. Before Film Noir transcended into a distinctive genre, such movies were largely referred to as ‘melodramas’. Film Noir is primarily characterized by dark visual that matches the theme and the plot of the movie. D.O.A is one of the best examples of a Film Noir as it embodies all characteristics and elements of one. The movie is about a man who is slow-poisoned by a group of unknown and has only a small amount in which he must find out why was he killed and the people who were behind it. The plot to kill him is unusual and it contains a thrilling investigation that eventually unravels the elabor ate intrigue that surrounds his death. The overall tone is quite dark and it shows some gaping flaws within in human beings, who are willing to kill anyone in order to conceal their own crimes. Even the characters and plot twists are somewhat cliched within the framework of this genre. For instance, the storyline is always centered on a criminal activity, mostly murder and its subsequent investigation that is carried out by cynical protagonist, usually a thick-skinned detective or a victim of circumstances, like the protagonist in D.O.A., who is forced to confront some of personal conflicts through the investigation of the case. The visual cues are adequate to classify D.O.A. as Film Noir; besides the color tone, the camera angles also play an integral part in building up the tension and to maximizing the suspense. The movie starts off with the camera following a man, who is walking into the police department. The man is the protagonist named Frank Bigelow trudging the police depart ment to report his own murder. This is a classic cinematic stunt employed by the filmmaker, there is suspense from the beginning and the unconventional plot twist is ostensible as the man is trying to report his own murder. The camera angle largely alternates between low angle and a Dutch tilt. The latter involves a titled camera shot, which shows the distress or the psychological turmoil of the characters, whereas the former shot is taken from below the eye line, which is meant to take a full-length shot of the character, while skillful concealing eye contact that enhances the mysterious persona of each character (Conard and Porfiro 135-137). Even the DOA includes many lower angle shots, whereby the mystery surrounding the character is amplified. These shots intensify the character’s emotions that are being projected to the audience; as mystery and suspense serve as the core cinematic elements, only camera shots that are known to obscure part of the character’s face a re incorporated by the filmmakers. As a matter of fact, Film Noir is vastly known for using unusual camera angles and special effects that underline the dark and gloomy tone of the story. The narrative structure of Film Noir has very distinct features, which sets it apart from other genres. The entire D.O.A. is told through Bigelow’s flashbacks, as he relates to the officers the perils he goes through in order to find his killers. It switches back and forth to provide the back-story of Bigelow and also showed the actual events that triggered the conflict of the story. Almost all noirs are popular for not following any chronological pattern in its narratives and the flow is often disrupted by the flash-backs and forwards, which is

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Life under slavery in the United States Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4250 words

Life under slavery in the United States - Essay Example Although slavery was later abolished using peace treaties, it is clear that during the slave period, most slaves experienced serious suffering harsh living conditions under their masters’ care. African-Americans were used as slaves in the 17th century even during the American Revolution and during the adoption of the Constitution in 1787. During this era, there were clear guidelines on when slaves started their work schedule and when it ended on a daily basis. Slaves worked for long hours whereby work started before, dawn, and ended after sunset with only a two-hour break. They worked under constant supervisions with threats of punishment by overseers regardless of who their owners were. There were submitted to harsh conditions and despite their lack of freedom, they were not always rendered powerless victims, as they were able to start important institutions (Reese 208). Europeans settled in America and invested in sugarcane and tobacco plantations, which had thrived in areas like the Mediterranean in the Middle Ages. When European merchants were sailing, they adopted such practices into their new settlements. This early plantations needed labor and the Europeans disliked the labor required in the plantations and the indigenous people refused to work on it, and this led to forced slave labor (Rodriguez 33). There was a massive expansion of the population that was enslaved in Americas, which was possible due to the transatlantic slave trade. The population increased because slaves barred more children and cotton farming started benefiting from the slavery in America in 1800 and it spread to other states (Elkins 35). Slavery was met with resistance as slaves sometimes ran away and hid in forests or visited relatives in other plantations. Some were able to escape slavery for good but some were unlucky as they were severely punished, and others were even shot to death or bitten by the owners dogs

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

English As An Additional Language Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

English As An Additional Language - Essay Example In the United Kingdom, a group of London-based Advanced Skills Teachers (AST) formed a network to develop English as an Additional Language, or EAL, as an area of specialism. The project’s objectives are to provide professional development, knowledge, and expertise in English as an additional language, and to raise awareness of EAL and encourage dialogue and discussion about the needs of bilingual learners in participating schools across the whole staff (Daly, 2005: 1). English as an Additional Language is actually only one of three categories under the program English Language Teaching (ELT). The ELT is comprised of specific skills that are provided different nomenclatures. The first is English as a Foreign Language, or EFL, which is aimed at foreigners who are on a brief sojourn in Britain, for them to be equipped with basic English communication skills during their visit. The second category is English as a Second Language, or ESL, designed for people who have decided to settle in Britain and make it their home. Finally, there is the EAL, which is specially geared for school pupils who now reside in the UK. As is clearly the intent, EAL is designed to provide students with the necessary English skills to not only get by but maximize the benefits they may obtain in the regular curriculum. EAL in schools also include and encompass both EFL and ESL – that is, it caters to the needs of both school pupils spending a short time in Britain, as we ll as those who have permanently decided to settle there (Teachernet, 2007). The City and County of Swansea support the Ethnic Minority Language and Achievement Service, or EMLAS. This is comprised of a central team of specialist teachers and speakers of 17 languages besides English and Welsh. These languages include Bengali, Arabic, Chinese, Urdu, Czech, Punjabi, Polish and Turkish, among others. The EMLAS team member go into schools to help children learn English, working with them in their lessons, as well as offering advice to the children’s teacher concerning their special requirements (City and County of Swansea, 2010).